About Me.
I am a level 3 RPM practitioner with experience with a wide range of students, autistic and non-autistic, the youngest being 3 years old and the oldest in their 40s.
I have an autistic daughter with limited speech who was the reason why I learned RPM in the first place. After witnessing the power of RPM, I decided to complete Soma's training so I could teach other students. My daughter is now able to type her thoughts independently and increasingly uses her speech as a result of RPM.
As a parent of a child with autism, I understand the impact and challenges that come along with it. I have also witnessed how RPM can help students in so many different aspects of their lives. That is why I am passionate about empowering my students and their parents using this method.
I received a Master’s Degree in Music Therapy from the University of Kansas in 1996, and worked with individuals with various disabilities and illnesses as a music therapist for 20 years prior to RPM. Therefore, besides RPM lessons, I offer piano lessons using RPM principles.
I travel to Japan and hold workshops regularly. I translated Soma’s two books into Japanese: Understanding Autism Using RPM and Harnessing Stims and Behaviors in Autism Using RPM.